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Client's DreamReality

We help our clients succeed by creating next generation software solutions...


Services to our beloved clients...

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There are many variations variats of passages of Lorem Ipsum available variations variats of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.

Awarded Design

There are many variations variats of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.

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Design & Creative

Passages there are many variatin Lorem Ipsum available have suffered.

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Whice Service Provided?

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Libero ea sint nihil corrupti! Harum nemo eius odio.

App Development

There are many variations variats of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.

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Business Design

Passages there are many variatin Lorem Ipsum available have suffered.

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App Development

There are many variations variats of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.

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Business Design

Passages there are many variatin Lorem Ipsum available have suffered.

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Business Design

Passages there are many variatin Lorem Ipsum available have.

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What is SquartUp?

SquartUp is a Web/App developer company which can develop or design your Web application and app using the latest technologies across the world.

  • - Web Designing
  • - Web Developing
  • - Over 25+ Projects delivered
  • - 10+ employees working across varius cities

Continue Your Business With Us.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology and utilizing them to benefit your business. Whether it's software development, cybersecurity, or cloud computing, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.

Happy Clients.
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Our Experts.

Our Team

Maniruzzamman Akash

Maniruzzamman Akash

Founder & CTO
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Hello, I am the Founder and CTO of SquartUp. I have a passion to solve problems of people...

Abir Ahmad

Abir Ahmad

Co-founder & CEO
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Hi, I am the Co-founder and CEO of SquartUp.

Fayez Ahmad

Fayez Ahmad

Frontend Developer
Dhaka, Bangladesh

I am the Frontend Developer of SquartUp, Love to do Frontend with React.

Fabliha Afia

Fabliha Afia

Web/App Designer
Dhaka, Bangladesh

I am the Web and App designer of SquartUp. I have a passion to design web apps...



Fullstack Web Developer
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Web Developer

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100/1 Banani, Road-01, Dhaka-1212
